Spring Into Verse -Day 24 A Poem of Visions Splendid

Today's poem was inspired by observation of another person.It's important to choose a subject you know well. In this case my best friend, my dear wife, Vicki. 

Sit still for a moment and observe carefully and a picture will emerge. A picture capable of translation into words... 

Visions Splendid

I have watched you
Walking the shoreline
The water calm at your feet
Your favorite hat of the moment
Silhouetted by a descending sun.

And I have watched you
Reading on a couch
Curled up and content in another world

I have watched you
Gardening among your favorite roses
Nurturing and encouraging new life

I have heard you singing
Only because you want to and to hell with original lyrics
Any time, any place.

And I have seen
Sparkling eyes that greet small discoveries
With an enthusiasm that inspires greater deeds

I have watched you skip along the street
Because the sky is blue
Or the warm sun has touched your face

I have seen these things and more
Splendid visions

Sightings of a rare spirit 

Alan j Wright
From the Collection, 'Poems For The Sun Princess'


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